Justice Package Amendment
Following the latest developments of the local political Authorities to revise the generic named “ Justice Laws pack”,APCF wants to express the deep concern about…
Following the latest developments of the local political Authorities to revise the generic named “ Justice Laws pack”,APCF wants to express the deep concern about…
APCF attended the event organized by the Legal Magazine Store on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, the CCIR Business Center conference "Effective solutions to fight corruption and fraud".https://legalmagazin.ro/preventia-actelor-de-coruptie-e-mai-putin-costisitoare-decat-demararea-unor-dosare-penale/
No More Ransom adds 14 new decryption tools as record number of partners join global initiativeNine months after the launch of the No More Ransom (NMR) project, an ever-growing number…